
Reflective Insulation’s principal role is to reduce the flow of radiant heat via open spaces. When it comes to summer heat uptake and loss, this is an essential factor. The reflecting material must be near an air space in all instances. Consequently, each has a varied thermal performance and “R” rating. 

For example, if aluminum is sandwiched between two layers of plywood or between two layers of concrete, it will quickly conduct heat. The conductive insulation material should be in direct contact with the substrate at all times. The notion that trapped air gas is an excellent insulator underlies the design of the majority of insulation materials. 

FR crosslinked polyethylene foam, such as “INSU shield,” uses plastic cellular walls for mass insulation. Reduced convection is achieved by using glass fibers in fiberglass wool. This reduces heat transmission. The trapped air in these materials further reduces heat transfer by conduction. As with most building materials, these goods have incredibly high radiative transmission rates.

To help prevent heat gain and loss from occurring, we can employ various materials to help. Convection, conduction, and radiation are all modes of heat transfer, and some materials are better at resisting heat than others. Fiberglass, foam, and cellulose all have “E” values above 0.70.

Reflective Insulation

Reflective Insulation  traps air in the same way as other insulation materials when put inside a building cavity. As a result, convective heat flow is reduced, thereby addressing all three heat transfer types. Three methods in which heat moves from a hot or warm medium to a cold medium:

Radiation transfers heat from a hot surface to a more complicated surface through air space. Due to conduction through solid or liquid substances. Using a process known as convection, in which air is moved from one place to another. 


The transfer of heat from a cup of hot coffee is an example of conduction. You can reach your hands by going through the cup. The direct passage of heat through a substance occurs as a result of physical contact between two materials. A further example is when the contents of a kettle begin to boil due to heat transfer from the burner. In addition, the contact of poker with hot coals causes it to become heated. 


There is no temperature to the radiant heat, only energy. When another surface absorbs this energy, the temperature of that surface rises as a result. The following example helps explain this notion. Radiant heat from the sun reaches the steering wheel through a car’s window on a sunny day. 

Reflective Insulation

In addition, heat is generated as a result of the absorption of heat. An air space or vacuum can be thought of as a medium via which it can transfer heat. Heat radiates from every part of a building’s interior, including the ceiling and insulation. 


The movement of air facilitates the transfer of heat via convection. Fiberglass and foam are mass insulators that do nothing more than slow down heat transfer.

Neither do they keep the heat in, nor do they reflect it away. Can control radiant heat transfer with  insulation. For example, warm air rising from a heat register can be an example of forced convection. Warm air ascending from a chimney, radiators, furnaces, and wood stoves are all examples of free convection. 

Radiant barriers can be used in various ways to control the flow of radiant heat. Climate-sensitive containers, as well as houses and recreational vehicles, should be considered (RVs). In contrast to bulk insulation, This insulation keeps heat in and radiates heat out of the building. 

What is a Reflective Insulation System?

In terms of emittance values, “E-values,” it is deficient. Because of this, the quantity of heat that is transported through radiation is significantly reduced. Reflective Insulation  lacks the bulk needed to absorb and retain heat. In most circumstances, the moisture transfer and absorption rates are lower.

Air is trapped using reflective insulating materials, such as aluminum and Air bubble film plastic, rather than mass insulation. Fibers of glass, foam particles, or ground-up paper are used in this method. Aluminum or a low emittance material is often used to produce a system. Moreover, the reflecting properties of enclosed air spaces are a result of this.


Low-emitting cavities (Air bubble film) near a warm area can also be used. The emittance of the material has a direct impact on the system’s performance. And the smaller the enclosed air gaps, the better. By convection, heat is transferred from one place to another when there is a decreased distance. 

With its numerous layers of aluminum and confined air space, it can reduce heat flow through convection. These smaller air pockets slow down the convective heat flow. Toxic compounds are not present in Reflective Insulation , and it does not irritate the skin, eyes, or throat. Compaction or moisture absorption can alter the thermal performance of a material. 

Ventilation and  insulation ducting in commercial buildings such as hospitals and retail stores. Split air conditioning tubing, chiller pipework, drain pipes, chilled water lines, and other related applications are all covered by this insulation. 

Server rooms, medical and diagnostic centers, and control rooms for petrochemicals all benefit from floor insulation. In PEBs, textile plants, malls, airports, etc., underdeck insulation. Commercial and residential constructions, as well as cold storage facilities, can all benefit from insulation. 

Installing INSU Shield is a breeze thanks to its low thermal conductivity and excellent moisture resistance. Vapor resistance also serves to prevent the growth of microorganisms and the formation of condensation. 


Reflective Insulation   eliminates a frequent difficulty with bulk insulation: thermal bridges. 96–the shiny aluminum foil surface reflects 99 percent of the infrared energy emitted by a heated slate roof. Heat is prevented from escaping the structure. Low emissivity and strong reflectivity characterize this thin reflective foil. Far-infrared radiation is reduced when positioned in an air space. That’s why it’s perfect for use as an underdeck covering. 


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