
Where can You find energy-efficient windows? Because the manufacturers’ offerings are so diverse, it’s easy to become lost. To maximize the investment’s return, we recommend that you pay close attention to certain characteristics and that you refrain from always aiming for the lowest possible heat transfer coefficient.

Windows are a major component in the cost of developing and maintaining a home. “Energy efficiency” has been a famous motto for years, and it applies to these products as well.

The Construction Of An Energy-efficient Window

You should pay close attention to the following energy-saving window components:

If thermal insulation for profiles should not exceed 1.1 W/(m2K);


Ug shall not exceed 0.7 W/m2 for glazing units with triple glazing filled with noble gases (argon or krypton) (m2 K).

Most glazing units are equipped with low-emission glazing, which is covered with an invisible coating of noble metal oxides that reflects heat into the home from inside. As a result of the transmission of solar energy, the rooms can be heated;

A so-called warm frame composed of composite with carbon fiber can be used as a spacer.

Spacers separate the panes of two or three panes of glazing, which is currently the industry norm.

By adding a third pane of glass and substituting argon with heavier krypton, window makers can increase their thermal insulation performance. Most energy-saving windows constructed in this manner.

Understanding What Is Important

Primary to the energy efficiency of the window’s performance, it must be capable of minimizing heat loss from the space heating system.

Inflation rate (Uw coefficient) It measures the amount of heat that goes through the window in W/(m2 K). If the value of your home’s insulation reduced, your heating expenditures decrease.

Uw coefficients below 1 are traditionally considered energy-efficient windows, although the 1.1 required by legislation also denotes goods with very low heat permeability, according to industry standards.

Other Important Windows & Equipment Parameters

It is also important to consider other qualities and equipment when choosing windows that do not directly affect energy savings. But enable their usage and provide comfort for the occupants.


It refers to the ability of windows to block noise from the exterior. dB measured in decibels and denoted by the sign Rw Windows. An index of at least 35 decibels recommended for construction on busy streets or near train lines, trams, or noisy industry plants. When you live in silence, you will enjoy a higher level of comfort.


Diffusers may be necessary or wholly unnecessary, depending on the type of ventilation in the house.

If the building ventilated by gravity air exchange, air vents installed in the windows (and less typically on the external walls). The soundproofing of the windows harmed by them. Wear them in any dry place, however. Models that automatically manage pressure or humidity are the most common.


A wide variety of alternatives are available for you to pick from. Due to its importance, this topic should be taken into account. As a standard feature, vertical windows have tilting and opening sash mechanisms. The windows on the ground floor and in a small child’s room, for example, should be equipped with an adjustable tilt gradation. In ordinary tilt-and-turn terrace windows, a brake and a latch used to prevent the sash from opening and closing.


The “Warm” Assembly – Concluded.

The order should include professional window planting. As a result of the difficulty of installing wide and heavy glazing, special brackets. That required extending a window beyond the wall’s face, into the insulation’s thickness.

Energy-saving windows should always be installed layered (commonly known as warm), which involves sealing the contact between the window and the wall (filled with polyurethane foam) with special tapes that are vapor-tight from the inside and vapor-permeable from the outside, regardless of the location of installation.


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