
Almost every automobile owner utilises gasoline on a regular basis. A wide range of fuel available at refineries and gas stations across the country. Its composition, additives, physical and chemical qualities, and labelling are all different.

It is clear that the usage of different types of gasoline has an instant impact on the engine’s performance and the car’s overall driving characteristics. However, choosing the right gasoline depends not only on speed, but also on the fuel’s and other systems’ reliability, safety, and durability.

What factors examine, and what should gasoline-powered car owners pay attention to?


Gasoline Types And Types

Domestic gas stations offer a variety of gasoline types. The composition, purity, and other characteristics of fuel vary. The major indicator – the octane number – use to label them all.

The following gasoline brands approved by GOST, TU, and other regulatory papers in the Russian Federation: A-72, A-76, A-80, AI-91, A-92, AI-93, AI-95, A-96, AI-98… Low-octane fuel usage has been steadily declining in recent years, whereas high-octane fuel consumption has been increasing. Today, gasoline A-72 almost never utilised because there is no equipment that works with it.

  • AI-80 is the default setting.
  • AI-92 (regular).
  • AI-95 is a premium product.
  • AI-95 + is excellent.
  • AI-98 is an extra.
  • AI-100 from EKTO.

Previously, ethyl compounds were added to some kinds of gasoline to enhance the octane number, allowing the fuel’s physicochemical attributes to be improved with the minimal cost increase. The manufacture of leaded petrol has been formally halted as of today.

Furthermore, current labelling includes not only domestic but also European standards: Euro-4, Euro-5, and so on. As a result, the full name of gasoline is typical “AI-98-5.” This signifies that motor gasoline (A) has an octane number of 98, which was obtained using the research method (I), and the fuel conforms with the Euro-5 technical specifications.

Number Of Gasoline Octane

When it comes to the most critical characteristics of fuel, its octane number is likely the most important. The fuel mixture compresses under high pressure and ignited when the internal combustion engine runs. It is growing. The combustion of gasoline must occur in normal mode – without detonation – for safety, reliability of operation, and the safety of the engine and its individual components. The octane rating simply indicates the fuel’s knock resistance, which is critical in gasoline engines with high compression ratios. The greater the octane number, the higher the quality of the gasoline.

High-octane types of gasoline consume more slowly, therefore cancelling out the price difference between the two fuels.

The ratio of the content of octane isomers to the amount of heptane in the fuel determines the octane number of gasoline. That is, the isooctane content in the AI-92 fuel mixture with heptane is 92 per cent. It emphasised that the octane number is calculated by comparing the antiknock properties of particular gasoline to a reference mixture, not by determining the amount. As a result, the octane number for some specialist fuels might exceed 100. This means that in terms of resistance to oxidation, this gas outperforms pure isooctane.

How Do I Select Gasoline?

The key to a long and effective car servicing is choosing the right fuel. When making a decision, we recommend that you pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations (and, accordingly, a gas engine). If the handbook specifies a fuel with a 95 octane rating, use AI-95 instead of 92 or 98 gas. In this situation, you can be confident in the car’s dependability and stability.

The environmental factors of gas are another significant factor to consider. Euro standards – 4, 5, or 6 – ensure that you can not only freely go abroad by car, but also that your engine, fuel, and exhaust systems will last a long time.


Unfortunately, determining the quality of gas at a particular filling station is difficult. The existence of a strong gas smell at the filling station, as previously indicated, is a crucial indicator of poor fuel quality. It is preferable not to use such fuel in a vehicle.

You can test the purity of gasoline by pouring it into a clear container. The fuel should be clear with a faint pale yellow colour, free of contaminants and precipitation. When potassium permanganate adds to gas, it prevents the fuel from becoming pink. The presence of the same huge implies that the gas dilutes with water.


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