electromagnetic radiation

Classical physics defines electromagnetic radiation as the passage of energy through space at the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves, which include radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays, pass through a material medium in the form of electric and magnetic fields and are hence called electromagnetic waves. Electric and magnetic fields oscillate with a frequency v, which defines the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave.

The passage of photons over space is referred to as electromagnetic in current quantum theory. Photons are tiny energy packets that travel at the speed of light. While h stands for Planck’s constant, it stands for the frequency of an electromagnetic wave as defined by classical physics. The numerical density of photons with the same energy is proportional to the radiation intensity.

A wide range of events can be observed when it  interacts with charged particles found in atoms, molecules, and other big things in the matter (such as rocks). Aspects of radiation creation and detection include these phenomena. Its frequency determines how and why such radiation originates in nature and how it might be used technologically.

Electromagnetic is time-domain spectra. Warm substances emit an infrared spectrum. High temperatures accelerate the erratic motion of molecules, electrons, and atoms, which causes heat. Irregular thermal motion creates erratic oscillatory charge movement because electrons are significantly lighter than atoms.


With which you can see a broad range of frequencies. When a frequency oscillates, it acts as a tiny “antenna,” emitting and receiving electromagnetic radiation. For the most part, the entire visible range of colors is represented. Heat doesn’t produce electromagnetic waves in equal quantities or with the same spectral distribution across all materials.

In terms of spectral composition, the materials that make up a heated body have a significant impact. In the case of an ideal radiator or absorber, this isn’t the case. Such a perfect item takes in and emits all frequencies of radiation evenly and thoroughly. An absorber is referred to as a blackbody when the radiation it emits is referred to as the spectrum, it emits in which there is only one factor at play, and that is temperature. Real-world items like iron, glass, a cloud, or a star act differently for reasons that can be deduced using this information.

You can make a good approximation to a blackbody by seeing through a small opening in coal or, even better, by looking into an existing cavity in coal. It’s important to remember that white is a color effect created by mixing all the primary colors. This means, then, that in addition to the colors seen at lower temperatures, there is also a color called blue.

The creation of electromagnetic radiation can be divided into two types:

I radiation-producing systems or processes that encompass a wide continuous frequency range; People who radiate at specific discrete frequencies, such as those found in particular systems. Examples of both categories can be found in nature. The Sun’s continuous spectrum serves as an excellent illustration of the first. Interference and superposition are two ways of saying the same thing.

sun spectrum

Electric and magnetic fields emerge when the same-frequency electromagnetic waves superimpose in space. The magnetic field intensity at any given place in space and time is equal to the product of the two waves’ respective magnetic fields. When calculating the total, it is necessary to consider both the magnitude and direction of the fields, which implies that the sums add like vectors. When two waves of similar strength have fields pointing in the same direction in both space and time.

The combined field is two times as large as the sum of the separate waves. Because the resulting intensity is proportional to the square of the field strength, it is four times as intense as the two superimposed waves combined.

Existence and significance:

Everything we do is surrounded by it, and modern communication and medical services rely on it. Numerous animals’ eyes have evolved to be sensitive and perceptive, including our own. The visible component of the Sun’s vast spectrum of frequencies is made up of light, which is the most abundant part of the radiation it emits.

Gas, oil, and coal are all stored energy sources that came from the Sun as electromagnetic radiation millions of years ago and are now used as transportation fuels in modern society. Only nuclear reactor energy is not derived from the Sun.

Gas energy

Another well-known form of radiation is ultraviolet (UV), which cannot be seen with the human eye but causes sunburn-like symptoms. EM radiation, like ultraviolet light, has the potential to be detrimental to living things. Like X-rays, which are critical in medicine for viewing the body’s internal organs, this is also true. Exposure, on the other hand, should be limited. Radiation that comes from nuclear processes and decay products is known as gamma rays. They are a byproduct of radioactive decay and nuclear weapons’ highly destructive high-energy radiation. 

Sources and absorbers of electromagnetic radiation with discrete frequencies: 

Atoms or molecules generate exceptionally high frequencies of electromagnetic energy. Quantum states describe the discrete internal energies of an atom or molecule. An atom or molecule can make only discrete changes in internal energy. It can emit a quantum h by transitioning from one energy level to another. The difference in energy between a higher and a lower state. The atom moves from a lower to a higher state after absorbing a quantum h if it matches the energy difference. As a result, the chemical composition of substances can be determined.


Since a chunk of a distant star can’t be subjected to a typical chemical investigation, looking at the emissions from faraway. The only way to ascertain the composition of stars or interstellar gases and dust is through the absorption of starlight.

Characteristics and actions:

Scattering, reflection, and refraction are all forms of light reflection. The primary wave provides the energy needed to accelerate the charged particle and emit the secondary radiation, but that energy is also lost in the process. This is referred to as scattering. Because of the quick increase in scattering with the increasing frequency of this radiation, the sky seems blue, and the setting Sun appears red.

sky seems blue

The Earth’s atmosphere scatters more of the Sun’s higher-frequency blue light than it does its lower-frequency red light. Charge oscillators scatter electromagnetic waves, and this scattering or reradiation is critical to understand electromagnetic radiation contact with solids, liquids, or gases. The charge-rich matter has a large number of charge oscillators. Hence it is charge-rich by definition.


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